The 2022 Edition of the United World Week (UWW), #DareToCare: People, Planet and Our Ecological Conversion, will run from May 1-8.
What is the UWW?
Launched in 1995, the United World Week involves hundreds of thousands of people each year, in a wide range of activities and initiatives which demonstrate the possibility of peaceful coexistence between people of different religions and cultures, respecting the dignity of all human beings and the identity of each people and community. Projects of the United World Week shine a light on the path of universal fraternity for all humanity.At the local level, initiatives are undertaken which aim to increase the degree of fraternity in cities, neighborhoods, schools, sports activities, workplaces, involving local and national governments, institutions, associations, etc. At the international level, these initiatives frequently aim to assist and support people in times of emergency or natural disaster: victims of earthquakes, floods, famine, conflicts, pandemics and more.Read inspiring United World stories here!
UWW and the Pathways for a United World
In 2018, the Pathways for a United World was created, a roadmap which, over a six year period, proposes six specific campaigns, all focused to help bring about a more united world. In May of each year the campaign culminates in "United World Week." Responding to the challenges of today’s world, the campaign focuses each year on one different aspect of human and social life – ranging from economics to politics, from justice to the arts, from intercultural dialogue to sports – promoting actions, collaboration, studies, and projects based on developing fraternity and reciprocity. In addition, the activities launched through "Pathways for a United World" support the attainment of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.#InTimeForPeace was the pathway campaign theme for 2019-2020. United World Week 2020 hosted nearly 1,000 events over 7 days in more than 400 cities and 90 countries. Initiatives focused on the sustaining of human rights, peace, justice and the rule of law. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, online activities organized with other associations, which included webinars, concerts, moments of prayer and solidarity, seminars and forums, received over 100,000 views.#DareToCare, was the pathway campaign theme for 2020-2021. This pathway encourages initiatives aimed at promoting active citizenship through courage, caring, listening, learning, dialogue, communication, serving and participating for the common good, for our neighborhoods, our cities and our planet. A world more capable of caring will become a more united world!2021-2022 #DareToCare awareness and current action campaign, “People, planet and our ecological conversion” aims to promote and implement integral ecology, through initiatives that involve associations, organizations, institutions but also simple daily gestures to break the logic of violence, exploitation and egoism, typical of a culture of waste.

#daretocare and UWW 2022
Everyone is invited to become promoters and leaders of United World Week 2022, working together with all those who want to contribute to the development of a more united world. Here is a calendar of some global events of United World Week 2022:
Everyday at 1:00 PM Eastern Time - USA and Canada (US/CA), there will be a podcast to highlight #DareToCare news and what is happening around the world during the United World Week. The podcast is available on United World Project's Spotify and YouTube channels.May 1 - United World Week Kick Off, 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM Eastern Time (US/CA). There will be various connections from around the world, #DareToCare stories and initiatives, and a Gen Verde performance.May 7 - Seed Funding Program: A Proposal for the Future, 7:00 AM Eastern Time (US/CA).May 7 - Peace Got Talent Show promoted by Living Peace, 8:00 AM Eastern Time (US/CA).May 7 - Gen Rosso Concert live from the Bihac Refugee Camp, 2:30 PM Eastern Time (US/CA).May 8 - Run4Unity and conclusion of United World Week.Follow all the events from the United World Project website.
Be a part of the uww - here's how
If you've already got a project idea for UWW 2022 and want to share it, visit the UWW Project page, and follow the instructions to list your event. After that, your initiative will be posted on the UWW Global Calendar!To download graphics, or other utilities (releases, flyer templates, logos, etc.), visit the Trello website where you can find helpful resources you may need to make your event fly.Wondering where to get started? Keep in mind the campaign theme for this year and the proposed 5 commitments regarding integral ecology:
Care to Change - to change our lifestyle to make it more sustainable and reduce our ecological footprint.
Care to Imagine - to help connect our inner selves with others and with the nature in which we are immersed, rediscovering the relationships that bind us and our common belonging to something greater than ourselves, of which we are part and which transcends us.
Care to Reset - to redress inequalities, in terms of access to basic goods such as food and water, medical care, accessibility of living environment.
Care to Impact - ensure that our actions have a real social impact by collaborating and networking with those working for integral ecology.
Care to Connect - to care for people starting with the most vulnerable.
The #DareToCare method works through three steps: LEARN, ACT, SHARE.
Learning (learn) is about a change in behavior, that is long-lasting and is generated by experience (act), and since the sharing of best practices (share) can inspire new ones, we realize that each step of the Pathways method is inevitably connected with the each other.